Voice of Islam!
In the name of Adonai the most merciful always most merciful: home.
Refutation against Zionism by Rabbi Zirkindshiur and Ya'akov HaTalmud HaSiegurd .
As-Siegurd media center Presents;
- 1 The violation of Three oaths
'Why/What are these Three Oaths? One, that Israel should not go up [to the land] in a wall {i.e. en masse, RaShI interprets: forcefully}. Two, the Holy One adjured Israel not to rebel against the nations of the world. Three, the Holy One adjured the nations that they would not oppress Israel too much'Refrence Babylonian Talmud, Ketubot 111a. Israel violated three oaths בבלה יובאו ושמה יהיו עד יום פקדי אתם נאם־יהוה והעליתים והשיבתים אל־המקום הזה {פ}
They shall be brought to Babylon, and there they shall remain, until I take note of them—declares the L-RD of Hosts—and bring them up and restore them to this place.”
- 2 Diffrences of Meaning
the term 'jew' and the term 'zionist', Term jew is a l-rds chosen people and he gave us torah 3,000 years ago on mount sinai, the term between jews and other nations is that jews addopted 'jewish beliefs' and torah, while other nations did not. If other nations wish to adapt jewish beliefs and Torah they become part of jewish peoples, Torah tells us 'You shall love the converts deuteronomy 10:19'. If you leave Torah you're not part of the jewish peoples anymore, it's an obligation to listen l-rd (Deuterenomy 6:4-9) and to keep 613 commandments (Exodus 20:5) . If someone accepts that he becomes a jew. The Almighty brought jews into that land and gave that land (not in natural way) rather its a miracle written in Psalms 44:4. G-d forbid if jews would not keep Torah they would be exiled from the Holy lands. Jews sinned and sent them away from the Holy lands and he made us swear in under severe oaths and with a severe punishment 'not to come back on our own to the Holy lands' . Only an individual is allowed to live in the Holy lands and not to rebel. But Zionists broke these Oaths and disregarded Torah (hence why they adopted british court, parliamentary system and laws). This is consider a rebellion against g-d and Israel will be punished sewerly, and they are not part of the Jewish people because they disregard Torah. Infact the g-d will gather us from exile and bring us back into the Holy lands and adopt Halakha ( songs of Solomon 2:7, 3:5 and 8:4) One, so that the Jews should not ascend to Eretz Yisrael as a wall, but little by little. And another one, that the Holy One, Blessed be He, adjured the Jews that they should not rebel against the rule of the nations of the world. And the last one is that the Holy One, Blessed be He, adjured the nations of the world that they should not subjugate the Jews excessively.
- 3 Israels violation of Halakha
1 Jews are forbidden to enter Temple mount Anyone who touches a dead human body and does not purify himself with the Red Heifer, has defiled the Temple of G-d, and his soul will be cut off from Israel, for the waters of purification were not sprinkled upon him, he remains defiled; his defilement is still upon him.” (Numbers 19:13). Jewish people had not have red heifer for about 1700 years.Therefore, any Jew who has ever been to a funeral, a hospital or a cemetery, or otherwise accidentally been in the same building with a dead body (that is, all of us) are permanently defiled. We are forbidden to enter the Temple, and if we did, we would be liable to “kareis” (being cut off), one of the most severe Divine punishments
Although the Temple no longer exists, the Rambam rules (Beis Habechirah 6:14) that the holiness of the Temple site still continues today, and so the prohibition on a defiled person entering is still in force. The Raavad disagrees; however, the Magen Avraham (Orach Chaim 561:2) rules that the halacha is like the Rambam. The Mishnah Berurah (561:5) concurs with this ruling. The punishment of kareis applies only to the site of the Temple Courtyard, a rectangle of 135 by 187 cubits (Mishnah Midos 2:6). However, under Rabbinic law a person defiled by a dead body is forbidden to enter even the Cheil, a much broader area that surrounded the Courtyard on all sides (Mishnah Keilim 1:8). 'Give my regards to my student R’ Moshe ben Shlomo, your mother’s brother’s son, and tell him that I went up on the Mount of Olives which is opposite the Temple Mount, with only the Valley of Yehoshafat intervening, and there, opposite the Temple, I cried as I read the prayers that he wrote.' - Rambam Pirkei Derabbi Eliezer Chapter 40 says:
Moshe’s staff was created during the twilight period at the end of the last
day of creation, and was given to Adam, the first man, in the Garden of
Eden… It was handed down [to the Patriarchs, who] brought it to Egypt…
Yisro took it from Egypt and planted it in the garden near his house, and
from then on, no one could come close to it. When Moshe came to Yisro’s
house, he entered the garden, saw the staff, read the signs that were inscribed
on it, stretched out his hand and took it. Yisro saw this and declared, “This
man will one day redeem Israel from Egypt.” And therefore he gave his
daughter Tziporah to him for a wife… Thus Yisro saw that Moshe would be the redeemer of Israel, and recognized that
he was certainly a man of upstanding character who would not dare to speak
falsehood or renege on a promise. Why then did Yisro have to impose an oath on
him? Wasn’t his commitment sufficient? The answer is that Yisro knew that
Moshe would eventually have to return to Egypt and redeem the Jewish people,
and thus the redemption depended on him. Both Yisro and Moshe were afraid that,
due to Moshe’s overpowering love for the Jewish people, and seeing the affliction
and suffering of his people under the yoke of exile, Moshe might feel compelled to
go to Egypt early. That was why a binding oath was necessary.
Similarly, we find that Avraham Avinu had to take action to prevent Dovid, son of
Yishai from coming before his time, as Chazal derived (Pirkei derabbi eliezer 28) from the verse, “And
Avram chased them away.”( Bereshis 15:11 )
More indepth study against Zionism Soon inshallah !